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Hello! I’m Jill, a proud Rocklin native and a soon-to-be graduate of Rocklin High School this coming June. My dream is to embark on a journey to become a veterinarian, fueled by a deep desire to travel to other countries and provide aid to animals in need. It’s a calling that combines my love for animals and wanderlust in the most beautiful way.

At home, I’m blessed with the companionship of my two beloved pets: Mitzee, my mischievous cat who rules the roost, and Stella, my loyal dog who’s always by my side. They bring so much joy and laughter into my life, and they’re a constant reminder of why I’m pursuing a career in veterinary medicine.

In my downtime, you’ll often find me catching up on sleep, cherishing moments with my family and best friends, or indulging in my favorite foods. These simple pleasures keep me grounded and energized for the exciting journey ahead.